
28 December 2014

Lakefront Brewery's Eastside Dark Lager

In short, Lakefront Brewery's Eastside Dark Lager is fantastic.  First, the brewery itself is an innovator in organic and locally-sourced ingredients.  They are a brewery that takes pride in their city and state and that pride carries over into their beer.  As for the beer, the Eastside Dark Lager is one delicious brew.  It has a moderately-opaque dark color (as you can see in the picture), and the flavor is a delightful mix of chocolate and carmel maltiness.  It finishes smooth and leaves you reaching for another.  There is a reason the New York Times rated this as its second favorite dunkel-style lager a few years ago.   The only problem with this beer is that it can be hard to find (according to their brewery tour, Lakefront sells the majority if its beer to Canada, which needs to change).

Lakefront Brewery
Milwaukee, WI
ABV: 5.6%
IBU: 14-17

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