
13 December 2014

Beers Beside the Big Bend: An Introduction

We are fortunate to live in such times as these where there are is such an abundant choice of beer.  Not since Reconstruction have there been as many breweries in the United States as there are today.  The hegemony of mass produced beer has been broken!  We are free of the Budweiser-Miller dichotomy and can enjoy an endless assortment of beers produced by breweries across the country! It is refreshing to see people--even casual beer drinkers--taking an interest in local breweries and supporting small businesses.

When I first tried a beer, a Budweiser, I asked "Why would anyone like drinking beer?"  Things changed as I aged.  I found a fondness for beer and started exploring.  That exploration started with what was in my local grocery store, which happened to be mostly Coors, Miller or AB products.  For a while I trudged through Coors Light, Miller Light, MGD, Miller Genuine Draft, and Ice House.  Then my taste started to refine a bit and I turned to Rolling Rock, Newcastle, Honey Brown, and Smithwicks.  Then it was on to Yuengling and Samuel Adams.  These two beers turned into a gateway into a new world: the world of craft beer.

That world is what this blog is about: My exploration of the world of craft beer.  With all the new and innovative craft breweries it is a great time to be a beer drinker!

Briefly, I am not setting out to find the "best" beer.  What I consider a "good" beer may not be what the next person considers a "good" beer.  It is all up to the individual's choice.  I will admit that I am not partial IPAs, which puts me on the outside of the more-hops-the-better trend.  Accordingly, very few IPAs or hop-centric beers are likely to appear in the following posts.  I tend to prefer browns, porters, and stouts and you may see more of those than anything else.

Let's get started...

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