
04 January 2015

Brüeprint Brewing Company's Edinbrüe Scotch Ale

There are many things I want to like about Brüeprint Brewing Company and its Edinbrüe Scotch Ale.  1) Brüeprint is from Apex, North Carolina.  The Peak of Good Living and my hometown.  2) It is a Scotch Ale, which is one of my favorite styles.  Unfortunately, I am left with mixed feelings about Brüeprint and its Scotch Ale.  

First the beer:  I know a beer that is bottled and has sat for a few months is not the most accurate reflection of the beer, which is why I regret not having taken notes when I had this beer on draft.  The beer has a lighter, more transparent color for a Scotch Ale (much lighter than Great Divide's Claymore Scotch Ale).  As one would expect for a Scotch Ale, the favor is heavy on the malt and caramel.  The carbonation is low but I am not sure how much of that should be attributed to the fact it is in a bottle (I remember it being more carbonated on draft).  Although it has a high ABV, the alcohol does not overpower, even by the end of the glass.  In short, there are things I like about this beer but it just does not stand out.

I can say the same thing about the other Brüeprint styles I have tried, including the brown ale and amber ale.  While I enjoyed the brown ale and its chocolate punch, I was left unimpressed.

Second the brewery:  This is more a criticism of the name, logo, and labeling than the brewery itself.  I get that "brüe" sounds like brew.  But what is a "brüe"?  There is Brue, Scotland, but that is spelled differently.  There is also an Urban Dictionary entry but we do not need to go there.  I just don't know what a "brüe" is other than a word that sounds like "brew."  But there is no such thing as a brew print.   It is "blueprint" and a blueprint has nothing to do with thumbprints, which is the logo.  Then the thumbprint logo has a smiley face in that is created by the letter "ü."  This leads us into the cutesie world of their beer names and labels.  All of the names of the beers use "brüe" in the name: for example, Brüenette, Brüe Scarlett, and Midnight Brüe.  Other than the Scotch Ale, the year-round beers all have drawings of women with hair the color of the beer (i.e., the Brüe Scarlett label has a woman with red hair).  I appreciate the artistry that goes into the cartoon drawings (certainly the forlorn looking Scottish Terrier on the Edinbrüe), but when everything comes together it is just too cute for me.  Their name and labeling is way to try and stand out but it leaves me feeling like this is not a serious beer.

Brüeprint Brewing Company
Apex, North Carolina
Scotch Ale
ABV: 8.2%
IBU: 19

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